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The treatments I offer

In Kant: That which exists absolutely, independently of the thought which apprehends it. Experience sought with philosophical reason the in-themselves of things

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What my clients say

I loved this session of access bars that allowed me to release all my tensions as no massage or other energizing treatment had ever given me. I had a lot of trouble emerging at the end because I had the feeling of having slept like never before. An amazing and addictive experience that makes you want to continue, especially since Anne Katerine perfectly masters the techniques, and with infinite empathy and benevolence.


52 years old

I have been doing sessions with Anne Katerine for a little over three years now, first on a regular basis, then more punctually. It is one of the things that I liked very much in her method, in addition to her listening and her ability to put confidence very quickly: she is very adaptive, adapts to your rhythm and your needs. While I was going through depression and could no longer return to university, and found myself at a stage of my life where I was lost between several professional choices, I did a first hypnosis session with Anne Katerine. This session helped me a lot to know what I wanted and regain confidence in myself: as a result, I went back to college the following week. Then, it was the « ball of wool » that took place: I did several different sessions (hypnosis, Bars…), which allowed me to gradually regain confidence in myself. Anne Katerine allowed me to acquire multiple tools and methods in order to face my anxieties and small or large challenges of life.


25 years old

I met Anne-Katerine during a speaking course where I decided to go to gain confidence. His personal history and his career touched me a lot. When classes were over, I decided to go see her for individual sessions. I had already seen a younger hypnotherapist but this one was no longer suitable for me, she was too much in my taste and did not go deep. I was reassured and very happy with the first session with Anne-Katerine who is very conciliatory, exchanges at length and questions us a lot so that we question ourselves to find the solution or the « problem » ourselves. She then moves on to hypnosis, coaching or access bar sessions. I saw it between 5 and 10 times and none of the sessions looked alike. We feel that he is someone who loves life, who loves people and who wants to accompany and help us. I have always felt very listened to and understood. I arrived at Anne-Katerine’s house quite tortured and often crying to leave soothed, with a smile. As if the person at the entrance was no longer the same at the exit. When I leave Anne-Katerine’s house, I directly call a relative or friend to tell her about the session that I find bluffing, she’s almost a magician. In particular, I remember an access bar session. I had gone to see her because I felt overworked at work, which was not going well, I was completely exhausted and tense. At the end of the session, when I got up, I felt like I was having a drop in tension so much my body had relaxed… I have developed a lot personally and feel grown, stronger and more serene since I met him.


23 years old
I took two hypnosis sessions with Anne Katerine, a few years ago, to help me stop my chocolate addiction.He is an extremely pleasant person, with whom I immediately felt confident to tell him about me. These two sessions took place in listening to his soothing words, in emotion, in laughter….I stopped consuming this bad sugar in the weeks that followed. No frustrations, except that of no longer needing hypnosis until today.


52 years old

I met Anne-Katerine as part of her theater classes, then in her hypnosis training. It was a time of professional doubts and I was looking for ways to overcome these doubts. Her dynamism, her communicative joy, her ability to listen and the confidence she was able to install in our sessions made it possible to overcome these doubts and give me answers that were in me…


53 years old

I went to see Anne Katerine to try to stem recurring and debilitating anxiety in my family circle. While I was aware of a specific and diagnosed dysfunction, I could not help but fall into repetitions of crises around the same subjects. Even though I had “figured it all out on my own”, the arguments kept coming back… more or less in the same scenarios. Through hypnosis, because I wanted to try it, Anne Katerine allowed me to defuse the source of this anxiety in a very buried space. I am Cartesian, rational and skeptical, but Anne Katerine Normant allowed me to understand how the path to the unconscious through hypnosis was a concrete and achievable response. I had no desire or need for lengthy therapy. No desire to go and unravel my childhood memories on a couch. I knew that I had to find the origin of an almost mechanical breakdown… I’m not saying that everything changed overnight but his reassuring support, full of empathy and intelligence, helped me allowed us to resolve and clarify these emotional peaks that were too heavy to bear. I wish many people had the chance to meet her. She makes life so much more beautiful.”


49 years old

« I started by asking her if she could help me forget the nasty words I had been subjected to for years. And it is her sibylline laughter that I remember as an extraordinary response to all this darkness that I carried. We worked with ardor and determination, each session brought me a little closer to joy and the certainty that I was surrounded by happiness. Together we chased away the shadow and hunted down every ounce of little rejoicing. After 12 years spent in classical analysis, I am still amazed to see to what extent just a few sessions with Anne Katerine liberated me, freed me and helped me turn towards a peace that I no longer hoped for. And the cherry on top of hypnosis, Anne Katerine even helped me quit smoking. It’s a major encounter in the trajectory of my life.”


42 years old

« Since 2018 I have been followed by Anne-Katerine. She is a listener, a voice that was able to give me support, answers and solutions in both my professional and personal problems, such as my sex transition. (and still is) in my future as a woman. His approach is marked by a benevolence and a love for the other that reveals you, leads you to the overcoming and development of your being. »


20 years old
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